Everglade National Park - Wilderness Water - 2003

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Broad River Camp sunset 5:58:35 Broad River Camp sunset 5:58:41 Broad River Camp sunset 5:58:48
Broad River Camp sunset 5:59:00 Broad River Camp sunset 6:14:33 Broad River Camp sunset 6:14:45
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Passing a gator as we turn towards Broad Creek Nightmare route. Entering Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Gator amog the fallen trees - Broad Creek Nightmare route. No apparent passage Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Roll 41 - 121 Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route. Broad Creek Nightmare route.
Broad Creek Nightmare route. Resting in an open area - Broad Creek - Nightmare. Broad Creek
Broad Creek Terry and Doug Broad Creek - Nightmare route Exiting the first half of the Nightmare onto Broad River.