Everglade National Park - Wilderness Water - 2003

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Harney River 13 foot gator Harney River 13 foot gator Harney River
Entering the second half of the Nightmare. Deep in the Nightmare, Harney River. Jim navigating the Nightmare alone.
Jim navigating the Nightmare alone. Jim navigating the Nightmare alone. Jim navigating the Nightmare alone.
Jim navigating the Nightmare alone. Jim navigating the Nightmare alone. Ducking hard to avoid a low branches.
Ducking a branch. Jim paddling hard to twist through the Nightmare. Jim twisting and turning through the Nightmare.
Jim, ducking and weaving in the Nightmare. Jim, coming out of the Nightmare, Harney River. Pelican, Harney River roosting.
Pelican, Harney River roosting. Cloud cover, Harney River. Walley, named by Doug, comes to visit at Harney River Chickee.
Walley inspecting Jims work. Harney River Chickee setting up camp. Doug taking stock, Jim tying canoes
Walley the pelican at Harney River Chickee. Gator plashing in the water at Harney River Jim checking the map on Shark River
Shark River Shark River Shark River